慶應義塾大学 大村研究室 Ohmura Laboratory

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Thermal Science for Reactive Fluids

エネルギー・環境技術のための Crystal Engineerng

大村研究室では,環境問題の理解と解決,新規な効率的エネルギー利用技術の開発に向けて反応性流体系の熱力学流体の反応による結晶成長に関する研究を行っています. また、当研究グループではクラスレート水和物が関係するエネルギー・環境関連技術開発のための実験研究を行います。水和物に特有の物性(大きな分解熱、高密度にガスを貯蔵できる等)を活用した新規技術(天然ガス貯蔵など)開発のために、物理化学的な基礎研究から実機を想定した応用研究まで幅広く研究活動を展開します。

当研究室は公益財団法人JKAの補助を受け研究を行っております。これまでの補助事業の成果は こちらをご覧ください。


What's new


・Our latest article is here.



・M1の神谷怜男の論文がFluid Phase equilibriaに掲載されることが決定しました.(2024/7) doi.org/10.1080/00986445.2024.2341260





・M2の山下大稀の論文がJournal of moleculer Liquidsに掲載されることが決定しました.(2024/5)


・B4の神谷怜男の論文がChemical Engineering Communicationに掲載されることが決定しました.(2024/3) doi.org/10.1080/00986445.2024.2341260


・D1の丸山めくの論文がEnergy & Fuelsに掲載されることが決定しました.(2024/3) doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.4c00208





・Ottawa universityのAlavi先生が大村研究室にて一か月特別招聘教授としてお越しいただきました.


・M2山本の論文がJournal of Pysical Chemistry Cに掲載されることが決定しました.(2024/1) doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c06276


・AP松浦陸のreview論文がApplied Engineering Materialsに掲載されることが決定しました.(2023/11) doi.org/10.1021/acsaenm.3c00362

・B4神谷怜男がICSST23(The 12th International Conference Separation Science and Technology)にてPresentation Awardを受賞しました.(2023/10)


・ICSST23(The 12th International Conference Separation Science and Technology)にてM2伊藤,B4神谷がOralでのPresentationを行いました!.(2023/10)


・D1丸山の論文がJournal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistryに掲載されることが決定しました.(2023/10)


・M2伊藤の論文がInternational Journal of Themodynamicsに掲載されることが決定しました.(2023/7)

・ICGH(The International Conference on Gas Hydrate Conference)にてM1の永山,山下M2の伊藤,山本,徳永D1の丸山,APの松浦神谷がOralでのPresentationを行いました!.(2023/7)


・Ohmura's lab latest research on the Tritiated water removal method based on hydrate formation using heavy water as co-precipitant has been accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering Journal(IF 16.744) ! Congratulations to the team!


・M2三澤の論文がJournal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistryに掲載されることが決定しました.(2022/4/29)


・M2岩井の論文がInternational Journal of Thermophysicsに掲載されることが決定しました.(2022/4/29)


・M2丸山の論文がThe Journal of Chemical Thermodynamicsに掲載されることが決定しました.(2022/4/29)


・M2岩井の論文がInternational Journal of Thermophysicsに掲載されることが決定しました.(2022/4/29)


・M2丸山の論文がJournal of Cleaner Productionに掲載されることが決定しました.(2022/4/29)

・M1山本の論文がJournal of Energy Storageに掲載されることが決定しました.(2022/10/4)

・M2岩井の論文がFluid Phase Equilibriaに掲載されることが決定しました.(2022/7/25)

・M2丸山&2021年度卒業生の柯王の論文がEnergy & Fuelsに掲載されました.  今回掲載された論文で大村教授のWeb of Science採録論文総数が200編に到達しました!! 大村グループpublications200編記念祭"勝手に名究会"を開催しました。(2022/7/1)

・M2岩井の論文がJournal of Energy Storageに掲載されることが決定しました.(2022/5/3)

・M2清川の論文がNew Journal of Chemistryに掲載されることが決定しました.(2022/3/29)

・M2清川の論文がJournal of Energy Storageに掲載されることが決定しました.(2022/3/09)

・M1丸山の論文がThe Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineeringに掲載されることが決定しました.ハイドレートを利用したトリチウム汚染水分離に関する世界初の論文となりました.(2022/2/20)

・M2宮本の論文がJournal of Energy Storageに掲載されることが決定しました.(2021/12/06)


・M2 清川の論文がJournal of Natural Gas Science and Engineeringに掲載されることが決定しました.(2021/11/09)

Ohmura's lab latest research on the interfacial tension in the system of Ternary gases (Methane + Ethane + Propane) + Water + Decane has been accepted for publication in Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering! Congratulations to the team!

・M2 茂原の論文がFood Chemistryに掲載されることが決定しました.(2021/10/07)

Happy to share that Ohmura's lab latest research on crystal growth of CO2 hydrate in aqueous fructose solution has been accepted for publication in Food Chemistry! Congratulations to the team!

・D3 初谷の論文がChemical Engineering&Technologyに掲載されることが決定しました.(2021/7/15)

・琉球大学工学部、安田助教のグループとのジョイント論文がACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering誌に掲載されることが決定しました.(2021/6/16)


・M2清川の論文がApplied Sciencesに掲載されることが決定しました.(2021/5/25)

・M1丸山の論文がScientific Reportsに掲載されることが決定しました.(2021/5/17)

・今回Fuelに掲載された論文で大村教授のWeb of Science採録論文総数は188編となり、年齢の4倍に到達したことになります!(2021/3/18)


・M2松浦の論文がCrystal Growth & Designに掲載されることが決定しました.(2021/1/12)


・M2近藤の論文がThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Bに掲載されることが決定しました.(2020/12/11)

・株式会社IHI様,IHIプラント建設株式会社様,オタワ大学と共同で研究を行ったハイドレートによるオゾンの安定な貯蔵技術につきまして,本塾のプレスリリースにて掲載されました.詳細はこちらをご確認下さい.プレスリリース (2020/10/07)

・M2松浦の論文がACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineeringに掲載されることが決定しました.(2020/9/23)

・M2小寺の論文がThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Cに掲載されることが決定しました.(2020/8/29)



・M2小山、M1小寺の2名がThe 2nd Pacific rim Thermal Engineering Conference 2019にて発表を行いました.(2019/12/13-17)

・M2小澤、M1近藤の2名が日本機械学会九州支部 沖縄講演会にて発表を行いました.(2019/11/16)

・M1小寺、清川の2名が第29回International Workshop on Environmental Engineeringにて発表を行いました.(2019/6/25-28)

・M1近藤、松浦の2名が第17回International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Qualityにて発表を行いました.M1近藤は最終日に発表されるBest Posters Award受賞者3名のうち一人に選出されました.(2019/4/10)


2009年度 酒本 力,藤原賞受賞

2010年度 齋藤 広太,三浦賞受賞

2011年度 中島 隆博,藤原賞受賞

2012年度 手塚 恭一,藤原賞受賞

2013年度 飯野 健人,藤原賞受賞

2014年度 村山 康太朗,藤原賞受賞

2015年度 秋葉 穂隆,三浦賞受賞

2016年度 早山 大晃,三浦賞+藤原賞受賞

2017年度 山内 裕志,三浦賞受賞

2018年度 新井 侑太,三浦賞+藤原賞受賞

・オタワ大学(University of Ottawa)よりSaman Alavi教授が本研究室へお越しになりました.(2019/3/8-29)

・国立台湾大学(National Taiwan University)より陳立仁(Li-Jen Chen)教授が本研究室にお越しになり、学生に向けて第15回機械工学科セミナーを開講していただきました.(2019/1/11)


・株式会社IHI様、IHIプラント建設株式会社様と当研究室がオゾンハイドレートの実用的な製造技術開発に世界で初めて成功しました.詳細はIHI様プレスリリースをご覧ください.オゾンハイドレート製造事業にかかわる論文はList of Publicationsの68,74,78,84,93,101,111,161をご覧ください.(2018/8/31)





・SCIENCE誌エディターProf. Osborneを義塾に迎え講演会が開催されました。大村教授はチェアを務めました(2017/10/30)

・D3長島,M1柴田の二名がTFEC 9にて発表を行いました.(2017/10/28-29)

・M1新井,柴田の二名が10th WCCEにて発表を行いました.(2017/10/1-5)

・大村教授、D3長島、M1新井がNational University of Singaporeにて研究交流を行いました.(2017/9/5-9/7)

・M1新井がNational University of Singaporeにて共同研究を行いました.(2017/8/26-9/25)

・D1陳,M1新井の二名がISAIF 13thにて発表を行いました.大村教授はセッションチェアを務めました.(2017/5/7-11)

D1 陳M1 新井大村教授

・University of California, Irvine (UCI) よりMikael Nilsson 先生が研究室へいらっしゃいました.(2017/2/14)

・National University of Singapore(シンガポール国立大学)より Praveen Linga 先生が研究室へいらっしゃいました.(2016/7/28,29)


・本研究室の研究が「 Keio Research Highlights」に取り上げられました.

当研究室では,競輪の補助を受けて研究を実施しています. KEIRIN.JP JKA-CYCLE

Thermal Science for Reactive Fluids

Crystal Engineering for Enviroment Tech and Energy

The Omura Laboratory conducts research on crystal growth in thermodynamic fluids of reactive fluid systems for understanding and solving environmental issues, and developing novel and efficient energy utilization technologies. Specifically, we conduct research on the physical and crystal growth properties of hydrates, tritium water separation and concentration technology, and carbon dioxide separation technology.

We conduct research with the support of the Japan Keirin Association. Please see the results of our past support projects here.

List of papers published by our laboratory can be found here.

What's new

Last updated: October 27, 2022

・Our latest article is here.

・M1 Yamamoto's paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Energy Storage. (October 4, 2022)

・M2 Iwai's paper has been accepted for publication in Fluid Phase Equilibria. (July 25, 2022)

・M2 Maruyama and 2021 graduate Ke Wang's paper has been published in Energy & Fuels. With this paper, the total number of Professor Omura's Web of Science registered papers has reached 200!! We held a "Self-Declared Name Study Meeting" to commemorate the publication of 200 papers by the Omura group. (July 1, 2022)

・M2 Iwai's paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Energy Storage. (May 3, 2022)

・M2 Kiyokawa's paper has been accepted for publication in the New Journal of Chemistry. (March 29, 2022)

・M2 Kiyokawa's paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Energy Storage. (March 9, 2022)

・M1 Maruyama's paper has been accepted for publication in The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. This is the world's first paper on tritium-contaminated water separation using hydrates. (February 20, 2022)

The paper by M2 Miyamoto has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Energy Storage. (12/06/2021)

- Professor Omura's h-index has reached 40! (12/03/2021) - The paper by M2 Kiyokawa has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. (11/09/2021)
Ohmura's lab latest research on the interfacial tension in the system of Ternary gases (Methane + Ethane + Propane) + Water + Decane has been accepted for publication in Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering! Congratulations to the team! - The paper by M2 Mohara has been accepted for publication in Food Chemistry. (10/07/2021)
Happy to share that Ohmura's lab latest research on crystal growth of CO2 hydrate in aqueous fructose solution has been accepted for publication in Food Chemistry! Congratulations to the team! - The paper by D3 Hatsutani has been accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering&Technology. (7/15/2021) - A joint paper with Associate Professor Yasuda's group at the Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, has been accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. (6/16/2021)
Celebrating the acceptance of the paper with an online celebration. - The paper by M2 Kiyokawa has been accepted for publication in Applied Sciences. (5/25/2021)
- The paper by M1 Maruyama has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. (5/17/2021)
- With the paper published in Fuel this time, Professor Omura's total number of Web of Science registered papers has reached 188, four times his age! (3/18/2021) - The paper by M2 Kotera has been accepted for publication in Fuel. (3/5/2021)
- The paper by M2 Matsuura has been accepted for publication in Crystal Growth & Design. (1/12/2021)
- The paper by M2 Matsuura has been accepted for publication in Energy. (12/17/2020) - The paper by M2 Kondo has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. (12/11/2020)
- Keio University's press release featured research conducted jointly with IHI Corporation, IHI Plant Construction Co., Ltd., and the University of Ottawa on stable ozone storage technology using hydrates. For more details, please visit here.

- The paper of M2 Matsura has been accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. (2020/9/23)

- The paper of M2 Kojima has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. (2020/8/29)

- Professor Omura's citation count has exceeded 500 for the first time in history in a year!

- Koyama, who completed the master's program in the second year of the Reiwa era, won the Miura Prize from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. (2020/2/26)

- Two students, M2 Koyama and M1 Kojima, gave presentations at The 2nd Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference 2019. (2019/12/13-17)

- Two students, M2 Ozawa and M1 Kondo, gave presentations at the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Kyushu Branch Okinawa Lecture Meeting. (2019/11/16)

- Two students, M1 Kojima and Kiyokawa, gave presentations at the 29th International Workshop on Environmental Engineering. (2019/6/25-28)

- Two students, M1 Kondo and Matsura, gave presentations at the 17th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality. M1 Kondo was selected as one of the three Best Posters Award winners on the final day. (2019/4/10)

- Arai, who completed the master's program in the fiscal year 2019, won both the Miura Prize from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Fujiwara Award from Keio University School of Science and Technology. This marks the tenth consecutive year that our laboratory has produced award-winning students since 2009.

2009 fiscal year - Chikara Sakamoto, Fujiwara Prize

2010 fiscal year - Hirotaka Saito, Miura Prize

2011 fiscal year - Takahiro Nakajima, Fujiwara Prize

2012 fiscal year - Kyoichi Tezuka, Fujiwara Prize

2013 fiscal year - Kentaro Iino, Fujiwara Prize

2014 fiscal year - Kotaro Murayama, Fujiwara Prize

2015 fiscal year - Hidetaka Akiba, Miura Prize

2016 fiscal year - Hiroaki Hayayama, Miura Prize + Fujiwara Prize

2017 fiscal year - Hiroshi Yamauchi, Miura Prize

2018 fiscal year - Yuta Arai, Miura Prize + Fujiwara Prize

- Professor Saman Alavi from the University of Ottawa visited our laboratory. (2019/3/8-29)

- Professor Li-Jen Chen from National Taiwan University visited our laboratory and gave the 15th Mechanical Engineering Department Seminar for students. (2019/1/11)

15th Mechanical Engineering Department Seminar

・Our laboratory has achieved the world's first practical manufacturing technology for ozone hydrate in collaboration with IHI Corporation and IHI Plant Construction Co., Ltd. For more information, please refer to the IHI press release. Please also see publications 68, 74, 78, 84, 93, 101, 111, and 161 in the List of Publications for papers related to ozone hydrate production (2018/8/31).

・M2 Arai and M1 Koyama gave presentations at the 39th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties (2018/11/15).

・M2 Arai, Watanabe, M1 Koyama, and Nemoto gave presentations at the Kume Island Workshop of the Japanese Society of Marine Biotechnology (2018/6/28-29).

・M2 Arai, M1 Ozawa, Koyama, and Nemoto gave presentations at ICMFM2018 (2018/5/5-7).

・Professor Rodion Belosludov from Tohoku University and Dr. Toshihiro Taketani from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology visited our laboratory (2018/5/1).

・A lecture by Science editor Prof. Osborne was held at our university, chaired by Professor Omura (2017/10/30).

・D3 Nagashima and M1 Shibata gave presentations at TFEC 9 (2017/10/28-29).

・M1 Arai and Shibata gave presentations at 10th WCCE (2017/10/1-5).

・Professor Omura, D3 Nagashima, and M1 Arai visited the National University of Singapore for research exchange (2017/9/5-9/7).

・M1 Arai conducted joint research at the National University of Singapore (2017/8/26-9/25).

・D1 Chen and M1 Arai gave presentations at ISAIF 13th, with Professor Omura serving as session chair (2017/5/7-11).

D1 ChenM1 AraiProfessor Omura

・Professor Mikael Nilsson from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) visited our laboratory (2017/2/14).

・Professor Praveen Linga from the National University of Singapore visited our laboratory (2016/7/28,29).

At the Second Mechanical Engineering Seminar

・Our research has been featured in "Keio Research Highlights" (https://research-highlights.keio.ac.jp/2016/01/a.html).

In our laboratory, we conduct research with the support of keirin racing. KEIRIN.JP JKA-CYCLE